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Springaling 265: Confusing Canon



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Sorry it's been so long between comics.  I've been busy adulting, plus I wasn't sure whether I wanted to cut to another scene or continue with this one.  Anyhow, decision made.  Didja miss me?

The ghost isn't explaining things very clearly.  Here's how the hauntings worked for the purposes of my comics.  The first generation of animatronics were colonized by spirits, one by one, as Bob did his dirty deeds.  Then those animatronics were "retired" in favor of the second generation, the "toys," which were much cuter.  The ghosts remained in their old bodies (which were being used for spare parts; we saw them as the "withered" animatroonics) until BOB destroyed those bodies with a fire axe--which was, for them, much like being murdered a second time.  The ghosts left their wrecked bodies and confronted him, along with the ghosts that had claimed the Toys.  This led to BOB panicking and putting on a boobytrapped bunny suit.  After that, the ghosts that were in the withered animatronics were homeless until the Toys were retired in favor of the third generation of animatronics, which we saw in FNAF 1.  The ghosts quickly claimed the characters they were used to and resumed haunting and hunting.

About as clear as a tax form, isn't it?

Anyhow, the ghost that haunted Freddys 1 and 3 was a girl named Ursula Majors.  Hyuk hyuk.


Springaling 265: Confusing Canon

Panel 1:
Ghost: I used to be Freddy. Um...I had two Freddy bodies.
Nightmare Foxy: Aye? How could that be?

Panel 2:
Ghost: First I was in this body.  Then Springtrap--before he became Springtrap--busted it up.
Later, they made another Freddy, and I went to that one. That's the one by the office door.

Panel 3:
Nightmare Fredbear: There were other Freddys, and you were in TWO of them?
Ghost: Yeah!
Ghost: It was like that for me too.  I was in this Bonnie and then the one upstairs in the hall.

Panel 4:
Ghost: You can have all the parts of this body.  Um...
Can I say goodbye to my other body before you use it?
Nightmare Foxy: Aye, lass.  Take all the time you need.


Chinese Mandarin by :iconfinniefalcon:

Springaling 265: 煙霧彈

Panel 1:
Ghost: 我以前曾經是Freddy。嗯...我有兩個Freddy身體。
Nightmare Foxy: 哎?怎麼搞的?

Panel 2:
Ghost: 一開始我是在這個身體里的。之後Springtrap--在他變成Springtrap以前--把它弄壞了。

Panel 3:
Nightmare Fredbear:  還有別的Freddy,而且你*兩個*都附身過?
Ghost: 是啊!
Ghost: 我也是那樣的。我以前在這個Bonnie裡面,還有樓上走道的那個。

Panel 4:
Ghost: 這個身體的零件你都可以拿走。嗯...
Nightmare Foxy: 沒問題,姑娘。多久都可以。


CZECH/ČEŠTINA by :iconmorsatra6:

Springaling 265: Matoucí

Panel 1:
Duch: Býval jsem Freddy. Em..Měl jsem dvě těl Freddyho.
Nightmare Foxy: Jo? Jak je to možné?

Panel 2:
Duch: Prvně jsem byl v tomhle těle. Pak Springtrap--než se stal Springtrap--ho zničil.
Později, vytvořili dalšího Freddyho, a toho jsem obsadil. To jen ten u dveří kanceláře.

Panel 3:
Nightmare Fredbear: Byli další Freddové a ty jsi byl ve DVOU?
Duch: Jo!
Duch: Měl jsem to stejné. Byl jsem v tomhle Bonniem a pak ten o patro nahoře v chodbě.

Panel 4:
Duch: Můžeš si vzít všechny části z tohodle těla. Em...
Mohu jen říct sbohem jednomu tělu, než ho použiji?
Nightmare Foxy: Ano madam. Dej si načas.


Dutch by :iconcraniamania:

Springaling 265: Kanoniek de Kluts Kwijt

Panel 1:
Spookje: Ik was vroeger Freddy. Maar... ik had twéé lichamen van hem.
Nightmare Foxy: Aye? Hoe is dat nou mogelijk?

Panel 2:
Spookje: Eerst zat ik in dit lichaam, maar toen had Springtrap, toen 'ie nog een mens was, het opengebroken.
Later hadden ze nog een Freddy gemaakt, en toen ging ik naar die. Dat is die bij de kantoordeur.

Panel 3:
Nightmare Fredbear: Er waren andere Freddys, en jij zat in twéé daarvan?
Spookje: Ja!
Spookje: Voor mij was dat ook zo. Eerst zat ik in deze Bonnie, en toen de andere in de hal hierboven.

Panel 4:
Spookje: Jullie mogen alle delen van dit lichaam hebben. Maar, eh...
Mag ik dag zeggen tegen mijn andere lichaam?
Nightmare Foxy: Aye, meissie. Neem maar alle tijd die je nodig hebt.


French by :iconiloufilmhoradere: and :iconnegaduck9:

Springaling 265: État Confus

Case 1:
Fantôme:J'ai habitué à être Freddy. Um...J'avais deux corps de Freddy.
Nightmare Foxy: Vraiment ? Comment c'est possible?

Case 2:
Fantôme: Premièrement , j'étais dans ce corps.  Puis Springtrap--avant qu'il devienne Springtrap--l'a violemment détruit.
Plus tard, ils ont fait un autre Freddy , Et j'étais dans celui là. C'est celui prés de la porte du bureau.

Case 3:
Nightmare Fredbear: Il y avait d'autre Freddy, et tu était dans CHACUN des deux?
Fantôme: Ouais!
Ghost: C'était la même chose pour moi aussi. J'étais dans ce Bonnie et ensuite dans celui à l'étage dans le hall.

Case 4:
Ghost: Vous pouvez avoir toutes les parties de ce corps.  Hum...
Puis je dire au revoir à mon autre corps avant que vous l'utilisiez?
Nightmare Foxy: Oui, jeune fille.  Prend tout le temps qu'il te faut.


Portuguese/Português by :iconmagicdoggo:

Springaling 265: Verdade confusa

Panel 1:
Fantasma: Eu costumava ser o Freddy. Hum.... eu tinha dois corpos de Freddy.
Nightmare Foxy: Aye? Como pudia ser?

Panel 2:
Fantasma: Primeiro eu estava nesse corpo. Aí Springtrap--antes dele virar Springtrap--quebrou ele.
Depois, eles fizeram outro Freddy, e eu fui para ele. É o que está na porta do escritório.

Panel 3:
Nightmare Fredbear: Tinha outros Freddys, e você estava em DOIS deles?
Fantasma: É!
Fantasma: Era assim para mim também. Eu estava nesse Bonnie e depois naquele que está la em cima no corredor.

Panel 4:
Fantasma: Você pode ter todas as partes desse corpo. Hum...
Posso dar adeus a meu outro corpo antes de vocês usarem?
Nightmare Foxy: Aye, garota. Tens todo tempo que precisar.


Russian/Русский by :iconthegoldenaquarius:

Спрингалинг 265: Непонятная предыстория

Кадр 1:
Привидение: Я был Фредди. Эм… У меня было два разных тела Фредди.
Найтмер Фокси: Правда? Как это?

Кадр 2:
Привидение: Сначала я была в этом теле. Потом Спрингтрап – до того, как он стал Спрингтрапом – разломал его.
Потом они сделали другого Фредди, и я переселилась в него. В того, что подходил к двери офиса.

Кадр 3:
Натймер Фредбер: Были другие Фредди, и ты была в ДВУХ?
Привидение: Да!
Привидение: У меня было так же. Я был в этом Бонни, а потом в том, что сцене.

Кадр 4:
Привидение: Вы можете взять все части этого тела. Эм… Только можно я сначала попрощаюсь со своим старым телом, прежде чем вы его используете?
Найтмер Фокси: Конечно, малышка. Прощайся сколько душе угодно.


Spanish by :iconxmanone:

Springaling 265: Canon confuso

Panel 1:
Fantasma: Yo solía ser Freddy. Ehm... tuve dos cuerpos de Freddy.
Nightmare Foxy: ¿Eh? ¿Cómo es eso posible?

Panel 2:
Fantasma: Primero estuve en este cuerpo. Entonces Springtrap, antes de convertirse en Springtrap, lo destruyo.
Después, fabricaron otro Freddy, y yo fui a ese. Es el que está frente a la puerta de la oficina.

Panel 3:
Nightmare Fredbear: Hubo otros Freddys, ¿Y tú estuviste en DOS de ellos?
Fantasma: ¡Sí!
Fantasma: Fue de esa manera para mí también. Yo estaba en este Bonnie y después en el que está arriba en el pasillo.

Panel 4:
Fantasma: Pueden tener todas las partes de este cuerpo. Eh... ¿Puedo despedirme de mi otro cuerpo antes de que lo usen?
Nightmare Foxy: Si, señorita. Toma todo el tiempo que necesites.


Swedish by :iconizzyvikingwolf: and :iconludbro:

Springaling 265: Förvirrande Kanon

Panel 1:
Spöke: Jag brukade vara Freddy. Ehm... Jag hade två Freddy kroppar.
Nightmare Foxy: Aj? Hur är'e möjligt?

Panel 2:
Spöke: Först var jag i denna kropp. Sedan slog Springtrap--innan han blev Springtrap--sönder den.
Senare gjorde de en annan Freddy, och jag gick till den. Det är den vid kontorsdörren.

Panel 3:
Nightmare Fredbear: Det fanns andra Freddys, och du var i TVÅ av dem?
Spöke: Japp!
Spöke: Det var så för mig också. Jag var i denna Bonnie och sen den där där uppe i korridoren.

Panel 4:
Spöke: Ni kan ha alla delar från den här kroppen. Ehm...
Kan jag säga hejdå till den andra kroppen innan ni använder den?
Nightmare Foxy: Aj, tösen. Ta all den tid du behöver.
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TerranTitanium's avatar
So you believe that FNaF3 minigames took place before FNaF1...

FINALLY! Someone else agrees!!